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Cannabinoids, here on the wiki, refer to Naturally Occuring (and Naturally Obtainable) Cannabinoids that we encounter with weed that either directly produce psychoactive effects, or indirectly via methods of consumption. Synthanoids are cannabinoids that are either extracted with synthetic means, or, are converted in a lab from other cannabinoids. Theranoids are non-psychoactive cannabinoids.


THC - Which refers to both Delta-9-THC, and THCa

CBN - Cannabinol, said to be the “Sleepy” cannabinoid that can cause a mild high.

THCP - Tetrahydracannabiphenol - Note, this isn't a Synthanoid as Type4 flower grows much higher amounts of THCP.

11-hydroxy-THC - The reason edibles are so potent.

cannabinoids.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/30 20:41 by daiquiri

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