====== Delta-9-THC ====== **Delta-9**-**T**etra**h**ydro**c**annabinol ===== Quick Description ===== **Occurrence:** Delta-9 is activated THCa. While Delta-9 does occur naturally on the plant, this is in small amounts. When a user smokes the plant, the THCa converts to Delta-9-THC. Smoking Delta-9-THC does not do any other conversions, and may even destroy the molecule. **Psychoactive:** //Yes// - The primary reason you get high. Secondary is [[cbn|CBN]] and the [[Entourage Effect|Entourage Effect]] of terpenes/cannabinoids. **Effects:** You get high! If eaten, the liver converts this into [[11-hydroxy-THC|11-hydroxy-THC]], which is about 10 times the potency. **Potency:** Depends on dosage, presence of terpenes, and presence of cannabinoids. **Discovery:** 1941 **Note:** - Keep in mind, Delta-9 is NOT what is on Cannabis. THCa is on Cannabis, and only when smoked does it become Delta-9. This is why you cannot just eat a nug to get high.