====== Cannabinoids ====== Cannabinoids, here on the wiki, refer to Naturally Occuring (and Naturally Obtainable) Cannabinoids that we encounter with weed that either directly produce psychoactive effects, or indirectly via methods of consumption. [[Synthanoids|Synthanoids]] are cannabinoids that are either extracted with synthetic means, or, are converted in a lab from other cannabinoids. [[Theranoids|Theranoids]] are non-psychoactive cannabinoids. Examples: [[THC|THC]] - Which refers to both [[delta-9-thc|Delta-9-THC]], and [[thca|THCa]] [[cbn|CBN]] - Cannabinol, said to be the "Sleepy" cannabinoid that can cause a mild high. [[thcp|THCP]] - Tetrahydracannabiphenol - Note, this isn't a Synthanoid as Type4 flower grows much higher amounts of THCP. [[11-hydroxy-thc|11-hydroxy-THC]] - The reason edibles are so potent.